Ammo Galore

Ammunition Galore

Victorian stockists of popular brands of Ammunition, cleaning equipment and an array of sporting firearms accessories

A.B.N 84 556 528 760

Contact details
PO Box 252
Seaford Victoria 3198


Price list Effective 11 Sep 2024 -- Price's subject to change due to the fluctuation in the Australian dollar

Snap Cap - Practice Rounds

Practice Rounds by A-Zoom and Others. AZoom Logo

Long Rifle .22 Aluminium Long Rifle .22 Aluminium
Rimfire Dummy Rounds .22LR
A-Zoom .22 Long Rifle Action proving dummy rounds are designed to teach safe handling.
They are not snap caps. They may be worked through the actions of any 22 long rifle for function testing.
Dry firing will deform the head and will limit thier use to 4 or 5 hits.
Size = 12 pack
Item AZ22LR12 Price 12 rnds $ 26.40

Brit 303 Brit 303
Snap Cap practice round in 303 British.
This practice round is the exact size of real ammo, made from metal it allows you to Dry fire without damage to the firing pin.
Size = 2 pack
Item AZ303BRIT Price 2 rnds $ 17.50

Use Ammunition with care. Always wear hearing and eye protection.
Price Subject to change without notice. (No refunds on Ammunition)